Molecular Physiology : [7] Collection home page

Titles in this Collection have been validated by:-
1. Dr. (Mrs.) Najma Z. Bacquer 
   Emeritus Professor
   Hormone and Drug Research laboratory
   School of Life Sciences
   Jawahar Lal Nehru University
   New Mehrauli Road
   New Delhi – 110 067

2. Dr. P.D. Gupta
   Director, Research & Development
   Atmiya Institute of Gerontology
   “Yogidham”, Kalawad Road
   Rajkot –  360 005 (Gujarat)

3. Prof. Vinit Mehrotra
   Department of Biochemistry
   Himalayan Institute. of  Medical Sciences
   Swami Ram Nagar, Jolly Grant
   Dehradun – 248140

4. Dr. Anil Handoo
   Dept. of Haematology
   Sir  Ganga Ram Hospital
   Rajinder Nagar
   New Delhi-110060 

5. Dr.  Shabri Das
   Department of Biochemistry
   Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
   Rajendra Nagar
   New Delhi – 110060

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Blood.pdf.jpg2008-09-25T10:06:56ZBiochemistry of blood and regulation of pHBhargava, Seema; Handoo, Anil
EndocrineSystem.pdf.jpg2008-09-25T09:59:57ZEndocrine systemBaquer, Najma Z.; Gupta, P.D.
ExcretorySystem.pdf.jpg2008-09-25T09:52:02ZExcretory systemVerma, Punam; Mehrotra, Vineet; Mittal, Sunita; Das, Shabri
DigestiveSystem.pdf.jpg2008-09-25T09:28:06ZDigestive systemRitu Singh; Mehrotra, Vinit
Vision.pdf.jpg2008-09-04T10:22:27ZBiochemistry of visionGupta, P. D.; Bacquer, Najma Z.
NervousSystem.pdf.jpg2008-09-04T10:16:13ZNervous systemSubash, M. N.; Bacquer, Najma Z.
MuscularContraction.pdf.jpg2008-09-04T10:07:26ZMuscular contractionSrivastava, Tapasya; Chosdol, Kunzang; Bacquer, Najma Z.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7